Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Perfection and Imperfection


The state or the quality of being or becoming perfect is perfection dictionary.referance (2012)

According to brainyquote (2012), the definition of reflection is the quality or state of being perfect or complete. It is the highest attainable state or degree of excellence. perfection is a form of degree.


Quality or condition of being imperfect is imperfection thefreedictionary (2012).

According to theamyrarecords (2008), instead of striving for perfection practice to see the perfection in the imperfection of things. when you focus on something negative keep your attention on it until you see the beauty of its surface.

                                                                               meitantei.deviantart (2009)

There is no person who is perfect in this imperfect world. If it is a perfect world there would not be any thing to achieve further because everything which is supposed to achieve is already achieved. but when it comes to an imperfect world there is always a possibility to make things better. Therefore instead of demanding the perfection for making things better you can realistically assess the probabilities of things being better and then act accordingly Elliot D. cohen (2011)

                                                      Combineboth.blogspot (2011)
According to the authors view the idea of perfection is imperfect. there is no person in the world who is perfect. each and every person has got even a single weakness with them. But a person can be perfect in one of his abilities but he is not always perfect. imperfection can lead you to perfection which means you are able to find out the mistakes which make you imperfect and then find out the way to be perfect. therefore even though everyone is not perfect, the imperfect in them makes them success.

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