Monday, May 7, 2012

Extending your online searches

When conducting a research it is important save your time and the effort in searching information online. so that it is helpful to mention the keywords always when using search engines, search tools. When searching information to a topic there may be many key words or alternative words to the relative topic, in case you can use the following terms to make your research easy.

  • AND :  use this term in between the keywords, if there are many key words. so that the pages which that include all the keywords will appear.
  • Inverted Commas ("") : This is use to specify a phrase. This will reduce the number of pages. but should be careful to use the correct word always.
  • NOT: This word will exclude the topic from your search. This should be used in between the keyword you want to search and the word you want to exclude.
  • OR : This is use to find the one or more pages of two or more words.
  • Wildcard (?)  : to find the variations of the keywords. This symbol differs from search engine to search engine. 
If you are following an efficient search strategy you should be able to find the most related information to your topic, and exclude the irrelevant information. and also to not to exclude the relevant and have few attempts to find information.

Saturday, April 28, 2012


Plagiarism is the copying, paraphrasing or summarizing of work, in any form, without acknowledgment of sources, and presenting this as your own work.

Examples of plagiarism could include:

  • Submitting all or part of another persons work with or without that knowledge
  • Submitting all or part of another persons work without proper acknowledgment   
  • Submitting material that paraphrases or summarize another person's work or ideas without appropriate acknowledgment
  • Submitting a digital image, sound, design, photograph or animation, altered or unaltered, without proper  acknowledgment

Types of plagiarism 

Sources Not Cited

  • "The Ghost Writer"-The writer turns in another's work, word-for-word, as his or her own.
  • "The Photocopy"-The writer copies significant portions of text straight from a single source, without alteration.
  • "The Potluck Paper"-The writer tries to disguise plagiarism by copying from several different sources, tweaking the sentences to make them fit together while retaining most of the original phrasing.
  • "The Poor Disguise"-Although the writer has retained the essential content of the source, he or she has altered the paper's appearance slightly by changing key words and phrases.
  • "The Labor of Laziness"-The writer takes the time to paraphrase most of the paper from other sources and make it all fit together, instead of spending the same effort on original work.
  • "The Self-Stealer"-The writer uses his or her previous work, violating policies concerning the expectation of originality adopted by most academic institutions.

Sources Cited (But Still Plagiarized)

  • "The Forgotten Footnote"-The writer mentions an author's name for a source, but neglects to include specific information on the location of the material referenced. This often masks other forms of plagiarism by obscuring source locations.
  • "The Misinformer"-The writer provides inaccurate information regarding the sources, making it impossible to find them.
  • "The Too-Perfect Paraphrase"-The writer properly cites a source, but neglects to put in quotation marks text that has been copied word-for-word, or close to it. Although attributing the basic ideas to the source, the writer is falsely claiming original presentation and interpretation of the information.
  • "The Resourceful Citer"-The writer properly cites all sources, paraphrasing and using quotations appropriately. The paper contains almost no original work! It is sometimes difficult to spot this form of plagiarism because it looks like any other well-researched document.
  • "The Perfect Crime"-The writer properly quotes and cites sources in some places, but goes on to paraphrase other arguments from those sources without citation. This way, the writer tries to pass off the paraphrased material as his or her own analysis of the cited material.

How Can Students Avoid Plagiarism?

To avoid plagiarism, you must give credit whenever you use

  • Another person’s idea, opinion, or theory
  • Any facts, statistics, graphs, drawings—any pieces of information—that are not common knowledge
  • Quotations of another person’s actual spoken or written words
  • Paraphrase of another person’s spoken or written words.

indiana (2011)

Monday, April 23, 2012


While writing an essay a student will have to collection information from different sources. what referencing do is, it acknowledge the source where the student get information from. basically it is the way of giving credit to the original author of the information newcastle (2008).

Why need to reference?

According to (2011),
  • The point and the argument is strengthen.
  • Can identify weather its appropriately summarized and quoted correctly.
  • Avoid plagiarism.
  • it also can help the reader to find out the original source of the piece of  information.

Styles of referencing

According to latrobe (2008),
  • American Psychological Association style (APA)
  • Harvard style
  • Footnoting style
  • Numbering style

Harvard Referencing style

if referencing from :-

Author's surname, initials, (year of publication), title of the article,website name, [online], Available from URL, [Accessed on DATE].

Journal article online
Author's surname, initials, (year of publication), title of the article, title of the journal, [online] volume number, (part number/month), page number, Available from URL, [Accessed on DATE].

online books
Author's surname, initials, (year of publication), title, [online], city of publication: publisher, Available from URL, [Accessed on DATE].

Author's surname, initials, (editor), (year of publication), book title, series title and volume, edition, place of publication, (page number)

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Making the most of the library

A library a place consisting of books, journals, CD's which provide people access to the reading materials.

library - photo/picture definition - library word and phrase image

What are the types of libraries?

According to ala (2012), following are types of libraries -
  • Academic library :- Library available in universities and colleges. this can be used only by the students and the staff members of the universities and the colleges. 
  • Public library :- serves the reading needs of the public people where there is a public library available in each and every city and any person near can use it for reading and borrowing purposes.
  • School library :- Every school has its own library where only the student and the staff is allowed to use the library.
  • Special library :- these type of libraries can be used by the disable people. where there are special ways used to read.

Why need a library?

wisconsinlibraries (2012),
  • It is important for the educational purposes where there are many resources to read relating to the subject matter for students
  • It provide opportunities for self learning and also self improvement.
  •  A library makes the world information access able to every one.
  • A library can also interact people across all demographics groups

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


According to usg (2010), a process of investigation is a research. it is examine a topic in different point of views. Reading and reflecting is a part of a research. accordingly there can be ten steps in a research process such as :-
  1. Formulating the question
  2. Get the background information
  3. Refine the search topic
  4. Considering the resource options
  5. Selecting the appropriate tool
  6. use the tool
  7. locate the material
  8. Analyse the material
  9. Organize and write
  10. Compose the bibliography

Principles of a good Research

According to blurtit (2012),
  • The aim of the research should be clearly defined
  • The procedures of the research should be define so that another researcher can repeat the research
  • High ethical standards applied
  • The methods of analysis should be appropriate
  • Content of data should be comprehensive, reasonably interpreted and easy to understand by the decision maker
  • Should be free of grammatical errors

Research can be basically in two types :-

1. Literature survey - This includes the documentation and the summary. this is also the background work of the research. this is based on the academic publications and the books www2.cs.hut (2006).

2. Literature review - This include the critical evaluation, analysis, Conclusion and the recommendations. According to learningcommons.sfu (2012), the body of a literature review present the summaries and the evaluations clear, logic and coherent manner.

A research can be conducted by collecting data for a certain topic by breaking down the key words of the research area, then combine the relative data of the key words and finally finding out the most important points which is related to all the identified key words.

A good research consists of :-

  • Concept
  • Problem Analysis
  • Problem Statement
  • Research Question
  • Literature Survey
  • Research Methodology
  • Data Collection
  • Data Analysis
  • Conclusion
  • Recomandation

Monday, April 16, 2012

Our Goals

A goal can be defined as a observable, measurable result that is to be achieved within a time frame. Having a goal is really important to a person, because they know what they do, why they do it and what will be the end result of it. A goal is always powerful where you plan about your future.

What is a SMART goal?

S - Specific

M - Measurable

A - Achievable

R - Realistic

T - Timely

The above terms stand for the meaning of SMART.  Which show that a goal should be specific, where a persons should know excatly what is aim is. then there should be a way of measuring the goal such as the progress of the goal. If there is a  goal they should know weather it is achievable or not, making sure that the goal will all ways come true. A goal should also be realistic, a person having a goal should be willing and also able to achieve it. Finally a goal should always have a time frame where you limit your goal for a certain time period so that you can manage the work.

If the goal is SMART there should be a plan to work on it. therefore next comes the plan. Who you make the goal come true will be the plan. This can be basically the Achievable of the SMART goal where you tel that the goal is achievable, so how do you achieve it?

After having plan of achieving the target according to measurable in SMART goal, the identified way of measuring the goal can be applied. so that the progress of the target can be identified easily and improve on the weak side of it. And finally the you can be success in achieving the goal

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Creativity is the act of turning new and imaginative ideas into reality. Creativity usually involves two processes; thinking and then producing. If you have ideas but don’t act on them, you are imaginative but not creative.

Creativity is a very important part of innovation. Creativity should be a part of leaders and managers as it is one of the best ways to set your company apart from competition. Creativity in business situations can be characterised by the ability to perceive the world in new ways, to find hidden patterns, and to generate solutions. Creating new solutions to problems and the ability to produce new products are very important, as it gives the company a competitive edge.

Creativity at Work Value Creation

Creativity is a skill that can be developed and managed. It begins with learning a discipline, and mastering the way of thinking. We learn to be creative by experimenting, exploring, questioning assumptions, using imagination and combining information. Learning creativity is like learning a sport. It requires practice to develop the right muscles.

Saturday, April 7, 2012


Teamwork is a work practice performed by a group of people towards achieving a common goal, in a way that allows each individual to make a distinctive contribution towards the goal.

Team working has several characteristics. They are: 
  •  The team must have a clear goal
  • The team must have a results-driven structure
  • The team must have competent team members. 
  • The team must have unified commitment. 
  •  The team must have a collaborative climate. 
  • The team must have high standards that are understood by all. 
  • The team must receive external support and encouragement. 
  • The team must have principled leadership.

Several benefits of team working are:
  • Improvements in participants' confidence, attitudes, motivation and personal satisfaction
  • Greater clarity in expressing ideas through group discussion
  • Better understanding by individuals of the nature of their contribution and of the needs of other team members
  • More efficient use of resources – especially time
  • Greater optimism – by focusing on positive outcomes and putting less weight on problems
  • A wider range of ideas rather than individuals working in isolation
  • More effective responses to changes – improved trust and
  • Communication help a team to adapt to new circumstances


Likewise some disadvantages of teamwork are:
  • Unequal participation
  • Some workers may not function well as part of a team
  • Teamwork may also limit creative thinking as members focus on the team concept
  • Unnecessary conflicts can occur which may result in fights and put the whole project in a deadlock

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Note taking techniques

An individual is not able to remember each and every important point that they come across while listening to lectures, reading books etc. therefore note taking is important so that they can concentrate on the lessons, can understand well because they take down notes in a way that they can understand, by using short terms that are familiar, as well as using diagrams.Taking notes also helps you review the lessons. 

Note taking methods
  • Cornell method

  • Mapping method 

The above is a mapping diagram which shows where the important points are note down.

  • Charting method redlands (2010),
Here a chart is been use to take down the notes. all the information is well organized in a chart where any one is able to read and understand.

According to englishcompanion, following are also few note taking methods:-
  • Episodic notes
  • hierarchical notes
  • Inference notes
  • Interactive notes

Tips for note taking
  • Note down only the main points of the lesson
  • It should consist of small sentences alone with the key words
  • Use your own words to take note without changing the meaning of it
  • You can use abbreviation or any other short terms which make sense to you 
  • omit all the detailed descriptions
  • Add your comments as well
Note taking is important to every one because none of us can remember every thing we learn. so note taking   helps to review what we learn. improving your skill on using note taking methods and been a good listener will also help to take good, useful notes.

Bloom taxonomy

The above diagram is the pyramid which shows the boom taxonomy. 
  1. Accordingly the lowest level is the knowledge which can be referred to as memory. 
  2. Then one should be able to apply the knowledge to a scenario where one can explain things that was understood using examples.
  3.  Also one should have the ability to understand what to apply plus when to apply. 
  4. Then comes the analysis, where a problem is identified and broken down into components to find how it is related to each other
  5. Finally the evaluation is done. which is based on the creativity of a person.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Personal profile and portfolio



A Personal profile is description of the attributes of a person such as achievements, Skills, interests etc.

Having a online personal profile helps you to communicate and also to have more connection with the readers Sonia Thomas (2011). This will provide you with opportunities like speaking and writing. an individual will not have to tell about his interests, achievements etc and also to write it in columns for the publications (2012).



A portfolio is a collection of  documents which indicates who you are plus what you can do. This can show your future goals, achievements, skills etc. 

According to (2011), A portfolio contains :-

  • A resume
  • Educational certificates
  • Identification 
  • Work exploration
  • Photographs of your achievements, involved activities and programs
  •  Work experience
  • Skills
  • Personal qualities

Monday, March 19, 2012

Lets start recycling.......

Conversion of the waste products into new materials.This is a circular process, like collecting waste papers and converting it into new paper goods Andrew Roper.


The process of recycling

According to recyclingnearyou (2009),
  • waste materials are been collected 
  • Materials Recovery Facility sort these materials 
  • Process materials to a form which can act as a substitute for a virgin material 
  • The manufactures make useful, new products using the sorted materials

Benefits of recycling

According to recycling-revolution (2011),

  • It helps families to save money. because they get money as they throw waste or give their waste products to places where recycling take place.
  • every ton of paper save 17 trees.
  • Produces less air and water pollution than manufacturing a virgin material
  • Energy consumption is reduced than manufacturing
  • It helps to conserve the limited resources availablepacebutler (2007).

                                                              pacebutler (2008)

Disadvantages of Recycling

According to J. Duvauchelle (2011),
  • The collection cost might be high
  • As paper can be recycled only few times the destruction of the forests will not stop. Therefore reducing the use of paper is better than recycling
  • A large number of items which is marked as recyclable end up with trashed or burn createdebate (2012).

                                                     projectrev.wordpress (2009)

The above chart shows the rate of recycling. Accordingly the rate of recycling is high.

The process of recycling is a good solution for the collection of garbage. It reduces the rate of increasing garbage and helps to earn money in taking part of the recycling process.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Why knowledge is not the only thing for success?

According to trans4mind (1998), knowledge is having some kind of information. but having only the information  is similar to, as if a person  know what are the steps to swim but he cant swim. therefore its  impractical. And what will be the use only having the knowledge but fail to get use from it :(

wheel of opportunity

who gets the opportunity?
  • who have self confident
  • commitment
  • leadership
  • risk taking ability
  • Managing time

According to Rehan (2012), the above can be defined as the wheel of opportunity. Here an opportunity is available in the top level since there is only one opportunity there comes a competition among the 2nd level employees and the person with more confident, commitment, leadership qualities, risk taking ability will grab the opportunity immediately. 

All the above mentioned confident, commitment, leadership qualities etc will not be applied for every person in the same level, even though they are equally knowledgeable. so here the skills are more important become success.

Class activity

What is your skill?

Think about something you do well, a difficulty you overcame, or a personal achievement, no matter how small.  Write down all the elements that go into something you have done well

This might be one of my personal achievement. while i was schooling i was not so interested in participating in speech competitions because my idea was that I was week in presenting speeches. but then I got an opportunity to participate in HNB speech competitions which was held island wise. there I was able to be the district 1st in 2008 and also been able to be the 1st in the same competition since 2011.

1. What did you do to create the conditions that led to success?

  • I believe the saying " practice make you perfect". even though I was not perfect I was able to become success due to practice. and also i believe that if you achieve something in a field where you was not interested before definitely you will be interested after you become success ones.
2. Which skills, attitudes, and Qualities did you exhibit? did you practice?
  • after practice I was confident on what am I going to present. True that I always committed myself more on practicing when competitions were near by than my school work. 
3. Did you arge yourself on a particular way?
  •  I used my time to practice speeches while I had nothing to do. 
4.Did you find people to help? or did you just believed you can do it?
  • when it comes to the preparation of the speech yes i got help from my parents, but thereafter I strictly believed that I can do it well which made me success always.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Identifying Skills

The ability of coming from ones knowledge, practice, aptitude etc to do something well. It is expertness, excellence in performances dictionary.reference (2012).

Mainly there are 2 types of skills, which is :-

  • Soft skills 
  • Hard Skills
Soft skills are personal attributes that enhance an individual's interactions, job performance and career prospects. They are interpersonal and broadly applicable searchcio.techtarget (2012). some of the soft skill are team work, communication skills, leadership skills etc.

                                                               spotfireblog.tibco (2011)

Hard skills are the specific, teachable abilities that can be defined and measured. they are the job skills such as typing, writing, math etc investopedia (2012).


                                                        personalbrandingblog (2011)

According to above chart soft skills have become more important than the hard skills meaning communicating with others, ability to work in teams, creating personal brands is important than the technical knowledge that a person have.

According to bemycareercoach (2011),

when considering hard skills the rules remain the same where you cannot change the rules of doing a certain task but in soft skills it is totally based on the self management.

The hard skill is taught in the school, courses that is followed etc but most of the soft skill are not taught at all. a child will have to learn soft skill eventually through their experiences.

Knowledge vs skills
  • The information that is processed by the humans is the knowledge. it is beneficial when used properly. main different between knowledge and skills is that the knowledge is in the head and the skills are done by the hand sabufrancis (2008).
  • According to differencebetween (2010), knowledge is using information and applying it to the content. and that is a known as the theory but skills is that a person is able to apply the theory in practical life.
  • Theoretical knowledge can be communicated but the skill cannot be communicated as it is perfecting your abilities. through trying to learn skill from a teacher a person will not find a solution but only a guideline (2007).
be skillful


  • This is knowing what you want to do exactly. 
  • how do u start doing what you want to do?
  • having a clear image about the strengths, weakness etc
  • involvement or engagement to a certain thing you do is commitment.
  • Dedication or loyalty towards your achievements
  • making a decision
  • ending an argument by the opinion
  • The continues effort of being success undergoing failure.
Self motivation
  • motivating your self to achieve your goal
  • been confident on your self
Time management
  • Managing yourself to do work on time without a delay.
Positive thinking
  • thinking positive on yourself and be confident, yes i can do!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Perfection and Imperfection


The state or the quality of being or becoming perfect is perfection dictionary.referance (2012)

According to brainyquote (2012), the definition of reflection is the quality or state of being perfect or complete. It is the highest attainable state or degree of excellence. perfection is a form of degree.


Quality or condition of being imperfect is imperfection thefreedictionary (2012).

According to theamyrarecords (2008), instead of striving for perfection practice to see the perfection in the imperfection of things. when you focus on something negative keep your attention on it until you see the beauty of its surface.

                                                                               meitantei.deviantart (2009)

There is no person who is perfect in this imperfect world. If it is a perfect world there would not be any thing to achieve further because everything which is supposed to achieve is already achieved. but when it comes to an imperfect world there is always a possibility to make things better. Therefore instead of demanding the perfection for making things better you can realistically assess the probabilities of things being better and then act accordingly Elliot D. cohen (2011)

                                                      Combineboth.blogspot (2011)
According to the authors view the idea of perfection is imperfect. there is no person in the world who is perfect. each and every person has got even a single weakness with them. But a person can be perfect in one of his abilities but he is not always perfect. imperfection can lead you to perfection which means you are able to find out the mistakes which make you imperfect and then find out the way to be perfect. therefore even though everyone is not perfect, the imperfect in them makes them success.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Communication Skills

Communication is an important thing of life. Communication skills are essential in all parts of life. It could be an interview or dealing with a leader or working out solutions with a team or writing a article. When doing this, all that matters is getting the points across effectively.(Publishyourarticles, 2012).

Communication can be of three types, as shown in the image below. (2012)

Points to Consider when Communicating

When communicating people should consider three main points. They are: (Expressyourselftosuccess, 2012)
  • The point of the the message- they person should be clear on what points he wants to get across to the listeners. He has to think through what he wants to say, in order to stay on track and get the points out clearly so that the listener is not confused.
  • How you're going to say it- select words carefully and accurately in order to avoid misunderstandings as much as possible. Avoid ambiguous words and phrases in order to avoid confusions.
  • Know the audience- know the level of understanding of the audience and consider their level of understanding when getting points across. Determine what is the most effective way to communicate with the audience.
Likewise the people listening should also consider three main points. They are: (Expressyourselftosuccess, 2012)

  • Listen- look at the speaker and concentrate on what he is saying. Get involved in listening and interact with the speaker by at least with some non verbal cues to show that you understand or not. Avoid distractions.
  • Ask questions- When not clear on what the speaker is talking about, ask relevant and specific questions for added clarification and explanations. Ask for examples so that you can clearly get a picture. Ask questions at the right time.
  • Respond respectfully- listen and gain perspective. If you agree with the speaker, say so. Respond carefully and appropriately. Choose words and phrases to encourage conversation and discussion.

Causes of Communication problems
  • Limited vocabulary
  • Inaccurate grammar
  • Lack of fluency
  • Imperfect pronunciation
  • Lack of active listening
  • Fear of speaking in public
  • Fear of expressing certain views
  • Lack of confidence
  • Lack of group skills
  • Fear of making mistakes
  • Lack of exposure and practice

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Time Management

The time management skill should be improved when the students attain collage for their higher education. collage has less class hours and more individual learning hours so that more time is needed to be allocated for their out side work. therefore it is important for students to improve their time management skills.

                                                                 the-ibenefits (2011)

The art of arranging, organizing, scheduling and budgeting an individuals time for generating more effective work and production is time management (Wise Geek, 2012)

                                                          personaldevelopment123 (2012)

According to timethoughts (2011), time management is a set of Principles, Practices, Skills, tools and systems that is working together that help to get more value out of the time you got with an aim of improving the quality of your life.


How do you manage time?

According to sucessfulacademic (2012),

  • Have a long term goal, so that an individual will have a vision on his or her future. Therefore an individual is motivated to make their dreams come true.
  • Identify the most important actions and mainly focus on the priorities. so that they can give priority to the most important and then go for the other actions if they have enough time.
  • have a plan and Schedule the time every day, so that an individual know what action to be done and at what time.

Advantages of time management

strategicselfmanagement (2009)

According to iloveindia (2011),
  • If the time is managed properly it helps u to wind up things on time and also help you to relax your mind where you will reduce stress and frustration
  • when you manage time it helps you to save your time

According to personaldevelopment123 (2012), when time is managed well less time is wasted, more productivity, less missed appointments, more organised, less stressed, save money and more free time can be achieved.

According to the above benefits time management is very important  to an individual to organize his work on time. therefore each and every individual is responsible to manage their own time and give priority to most important and then go go for the others.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Reflective blog

What is a blog?

Its a type of a website, which is similar to a forum or a social bookmarking site. It
 is defined by the technical aspects and the features around it. (Denial scocco, 2011)

According to susan Gunelius (2012), The blogs were started in late 1990s as online diaries. The individuals were able to post information about their lives and opinions on a daily basis where the posts were listed in a reverse data order, so that the readers viewed the most recent post first.

The following vedio shows tht features of the blog

According to better business blogging (2010), some of the charecteristics of a blog is as follows :-
  • Technical knowledge is not required
  • The readers can leave comments
  • Organised automatically
  • Information is distributed instantly
  • Multiple authors
  • Internal and external links available

Advantages and Disadvantages of a blog

According to internet affiliate info (2011), David Pakinson (2008).

  • Make money
  • Cheap and easy
  • Share knowledge with othr people
  • Updates

  • The new content will burie the old content
  • Less control
  • Need to keep constantly updates
  • Even though its easy to start, hard to maintain

The critical reflection of an experiance which can be written in a critically reflective manner can be identified as a reflective blog  (Jones Peter,2010).